Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Things To Know About Cash Parking

Yes, this is right.
I've registered about more than 100 domains with and cash parked over there. But after a month, my earnings were 0.54 cents in total!! I was disappointed with this and started doing research about how can I maximize income from my websites.

In the mean time I moved my domains from to Google also provide cash parking. I was disappointed with also.

Later I found This is not a traditional cash parking site. Rather this helps you to build traffic for your sites with rich content. is the best way to monetize your websites. There is no quick way to earn money from parked websites.

What does, is that they provide you various free articles, domain applications, rss feeds to generate traffic to your website. At the same time you will start earning money with their built in pay per click (PPC) advertisemrnts!! Is not this awesome?!

Running A Business Is A Four Letter Word

Running A Business Is A Four Letter Word

by Val Taylor

How often have you heard someone say they want to start their own business? They want to be their own boss. They don't want to ever have to take crap off a company and management again. In today's economic climate some people are forced to have thoughts of starting and running their own business. It may be the only way they begin to reinvent themselves and start anew.

Many who are employed are unsure about their jobs and financial future. Corporations are using this recession as a way to downsize their work force and people are scared. Many people begin to ponder the idea of owning their own business. They feel they've taken a chance on a job, and the company has failed them, so why not take a chance on themselves? Sounds logical, right? Maybe.

The only problem with this thinking is that most people get advice on running a business from those who have never run one. Many talk to their family, friends and neighbors and those who are generally in the same financial state as them. Most don't take advantage of the free services the SBA or SCORE offers to help them understand the basic requirements for running their own business.

Another problem is that many have not come to terms with the number of hours and energy it will take to run a successful business. Also, most businesses either fail or take five to eight years to become successful. This information is rarely talked about but should not be ignored.

Family, friends and neighbors only give the upside of the business ownership equation. No one tells you that once you're in business for yourself, you're generally until you become profitable in business by yourself. That message does not get communicated. It doesn't matter if it is a storefront or online business. YOU are the business.

This does not have to be bad news; it just has to be understood. If you can handle this and understand that running a business initially will probably be one of the hardest things you've ever done, you can be successful at it. It is one of the most rewarding feelings of accomplishments to know that you started something and made it a success.

Understand that running a business is not easy. Frustration and exhaustion will set in and you may even think about quitting. However, if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and get busy you can be very successful at it. You see running a successful business is a four letter word. WORK!

About the Author:

I'm Val Taylor and I am on a mission to teach as many as I can reach the power of marketing YOU INC! I have a goal of connecting the online dots for those who want a successful business and need help with online marketing strategies.


Create A Marketing Plan That Works

Create A Marketing Plan That Works

by Michael Fleischner

If you're looking to succeed with a basic marketing plan, then you'll need to focus on some core elements of a plan that targets the right audience and produces a result. For your marketing to be truly effective, you should consider using multiple media and a number of touches.

There is so much competition today that the messages you use need to be unique. The effectiveness of any marketing campaign is directly correlated to the quality of your list and offer. Before you even begin, think about your product and what motivates people to buy.

Over the past twelve years I have discovered that marketing results are relatively consistent when sound marketing practices are applied. These techniques can be effective in virtually any industry and with any type of campaign you have. Consider developing your marketing campaign using these strategies:

Set specific marketing goals. Before you start, think about what you want your marketing campaign to accomplish. Most marketers focus on conversion but you need to define what that means for you and your campaign. Some marketers are looking for a sale while others are looking for a download. Before you get started, consider what action you want your respondents or visitors to take and how you are going to measure the result.

Segment your market carefully. Do not try to market to all segments. Choose a specific segment and focus your energies there. If you do, your campaign will be more successful. Considering the specific audience you are looking to attract and focusing on them, you can increase your chances of success tremendously. Review your current customer and find others like them if you wish to create a positive return on investment.

Select a few key messages points. What are the messages that resonate with your audience segment? There may be some key message points you have when describing your product or service. If so, use them to create a baseline and try to improve in later campaigns. You need to talk to your prospects in the language that resonates with them if you are going to grab their attention and gain their trust.

Test multiple offers. The only way to run a productive marketing campaign is by testing various offers. Your offer is a critical component for improving marketing results. Your best bet is to test multiple offers and measuring the result. Once you find and offer that works, try to beat its results during the next campaign.

Use an integrated marketing approach. Don't settle for a single email, post card or ad. Rather, discover the media that your segment uses to get their information, do research, and buy their products. This will help you determine the best way to reach them. Once you develop a campaign, tie together as many of these media types to convey your message and offer.

I have found that using these techniques are paramount to producing a favorable return on your marketing investment. In addition be mindful of campaign timing. Even if all of the above criteria are met, your campaign may still fall flat if you have not exposed your audience to the right message at the right time.

Be sure to review each of the aforementioned steps before creating your next marketing campaign. Your marketing is only going to be effective if you set specific goals, segment your market, focus on key messages, and create a compelling offer. I encourage you to experiment with different media to get your message across.

About the Author:

Michael Fleischner is an Internet marketing expert, author, and website owner who helps small and medium sized businesses improve their marketing results. Discover powerful marketing tips at The Marketing Blog.
